Chart Of English Tenses In

TENSES CHART TENSE FORM USE TIME EXPRESSIONS Simple Present A: He goes. N: He doesn’t go Q: Does he go?. Habits and routines: I sometimes sing in the shower. Facts: We like ice-cream. Facts which are always true: Asturias is in the north of Spain. Planned future action set by a timetable or schedule: We leave London at eight next Tuesday. Feb 20, 2018 Verb Tense Chart. Here are simple explanations of the tenses in English that give the most common use of each tense in English. There are a number of exceptions to the rules, other uses for certain tenses in English and so on. 12 verb tenses chart with examples grammar lesson. This grammar lesson you will learn the 12 Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The 12 verb tense chart explained. 12 verb tenses chart with examples grammar lesson. This grammar lesson you will learn the 12 Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The 12 verb tense chart explained.

  1. Chart Of English Tenses In Spanish

The table below shows a chart of tenses in English. The structure and example of each tense is also given to construct the grammatically correct sentence.

TensesStructure / FormulaExamples
Simple Past AffirmativeS+V2+…He read a book yesterday.
Simple Past NegativeS+Did+not+V1+…He did not read a book yesterday.
Simple Past QuestionsDid+S+V1+…+?Did he read a book yesterday?
Simple Present AffirmativeS+V1+‘s’ or ‘es’+ …He reads a book daily.
Simple Present NegativeS+Do/Does+not+V1+…He does not read a book daily.
Simple Present QuestionsDo/Does+S+V1+…+?Does he read a book daily?
Simple Future AffirmativeWill/Shall+V1+…He will read a book tomorrow.
Simple Future NegativeS+Will/Shall+not+V1+…He will not read a book tomorrow.
Simple Future QuestionsWill/Shall+S+V1+…+?Will he read a book tomorrow?
Past Progressive AffirmativeS+was/were +
(V1+ ‘ing’)+…
He was reading a book yesterday.
Past Progressive NegativeS+was/were + not+
(V1+ ‘ing’)+…
He was not reading a book yesterday.
Past Progressive QuestionWas/were+S+
(V1+ ‘ing’)+…+?
Was he reading a book yesterday?
Present Progressive AffirmativeS+is/am/are +
(V1+ ‘ing’)+…
He is reading a book.
Present Progressive NegativeS+is/am/are + not+
(V1+ ‘ing’)+…
He is not reading a book.
Present Progressive QuestionIs/am/are +S+
(V1+ ‘ing’)+…+?
Is he reading a book?
Future Progressive AffirmativeS+Will/Shall+ be+ (V1+’ing’)+…He will be reading a book tomorrow.
Future Progressive NegativeS+Will/Shall + not+ be+(V1+’ing’)+…He will not be reading a book tomorrow.
Future Progressive QuestionWill/Shall+S+ be+(V1+’ing’)+…+?Will he be reading a book tomorrow?
Past Perfect AffirmativeS+Had + V3+…He had read a book.
Past Perfect NegativeS+Had+not+V3+…He had not read a book.
Past Perfect QuestionHad+S+V3+…+?Had he read a book?
Present Perfect AffirmativeS+has/have+V3+…He has read a book.
Present Perfect NegativeS+Has/have+not+V3+…He has not read a book.
Present Perfect QuestionHas/have+S+V3+…+?Has he read a book?
Future Perfect AffirmativeS+Will/Shall have +V3+…He will have read a book.
Future Perfect NegativeS+Will/Shall+not+
have +V3+…
He will not have read a book.
Future Perfect QuestionWill/Shall+S+have +V3+…+?Will he have read a book?
Past Perfect Progressive AffirmativeS+had+been + (V1+ing)+…He had been reading a book since morning.
Past Perfect Progressive NegativeS+had+not+been +(V1+ing)+…He had not been reading a book since morning.
Past Perfect Progressive QuestionHad +S+been+ (V1+ing)+…+?Had he been reading a book since morning?
Present Perfect Progressive AffirmativeS+has/have+been+ (V1+ing)+…He has been reading a book since morning.
Present Perfect Progressive NegativeS+has/have +not+ been + (V1+ing)+…He has not been reading a book since morning.
Present Perfect Progressive QuestionHas/have+S+been + (V1+ing)+…+?Has he been reading a book since morning?
Future Perfect Progressive AffirmativeS+will/shall have + been+(V1+ing)+…He will have been reading a book since morning.
Future Perfect Progressive NegativeS+will/shall+not+have +been+(V1+ing)+…He will not have been reading a book since morning.
Future Perfect Progressive Question Will/shall+S+have+ been+(V1+ing)+…+?Will he have been reading a book since morning?

S = Subject

V1 (1st form of verb) = Base Form

V2 (1nd form of verb) = Past

V3 (3r form of verb) = Past Participle

… = Rest of the sentence

Chart Of English Tenses In Spanish

Read also: Verb tenses explained with examples