Deloitte Brand Guidelines

Deloitte’s Manchester practice confirmed today that it has signed a deal with WeWork to occupy 35,000 sq ft of office space in Manchester city centre.

. Create, design, format, and layout innovative and creative visual options and out-of-the-box packaging solutions for proposals and related materials (both print and online) so as to enhance clarity of message, promote readability, engage the target, and differentiate Deloitte in the marketplace, whilst adhering to Deloitte brand guidelines, corporate values and legal guidelines. Deloitte Ireland LLP accepts no liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. Deloitte Ireland LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Northern Ireland with registered number NC1499 and its registered office at 19 Bedford Street, Belfast.

With Deloitte due to exit its existing office at Hardman Street, the deal will provide a flexible solution for the Manchester practice’s 800 people. Deloitte plans to begin occupancy in early 2021, subject to Government national restriction guidelines.

The transaction follows continued investment this year in Manchester, including the expansion of the firm’s consulting capabilities in the region with a headcount growth of 60 in 12 months and a new cyber team of 16. This is in addition to the firm’s investment over the year in its people, with the promotion of six new partners and 10 directors across all services lines.

Further growth includes a new cohort of over 80 graduates and Brightstart apprentices joining the firm over the next three months as well as an overall plan to increase the office headcount by 25% in the next three years.

Andy Westbrook, practice senior partner for Deloitte North West, commented on the move: “Manchester has always been and will remain a very important strategic location for Deloitte. We are immensely proud of the work that we do across the city and the wider region, particularly in supporting Build Back Better, as well as the relationships we have developed. We have invested significantly in our North West business in order to successfully develop our client offerings. This will continue at pace for the foreseeable future, in part driven by the investment we have made in our people across all levels. We have a clear real estate strategy in place, and the move to the Hanover Building is the first step on that journey. The space provides an exciting and inspiring place in which our people can work. It will best support the needs of our people and our clients as we grow our business in the region.’’

Deloitte will occupy two floors in WeWork Hanover Building in Corporation Street near Victoria Station. Dating back to 1905, the historic Edwardian building has recently undergone a major refurbishment and forms part of Manchester’s NOMA regeneration area.

Mathieu Proust, General Manager UK & Ireland at WeWork, said: “We are delighted to partner with Deloitte and look forward to welcoming them into our Manchester community at WeWork The Hanover Building, a beautiful space designed with collaboration and productivity in mind. The seismic shifts we are seeing in the way the world works are redefining the role of the office, and this is a great example of a business recognising the right workspace as a critical resource that enables connection, innovation and company culture to thrive.”

Colliers International advised on the deal.


About WeWork

WeWork is a global leader in flexible space, providing businesses of all sizes with the space, community, and services they need to run and grow their business. With 859 locations, in 151 cities in 38 countries across the world, WeWork delivers flexible space solutions to its 542,000 members worldwide.

About Deloitte

In this press release references to “Deloitte” are references to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”) a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity.


Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of DTTL and its member firms.

Deloitte LLP is a subsidiary of Deloitte NWE LLP, which is a member firm of DTTL, and is among the UK’s leading professional services firms.

The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press. For more information, please visit

Kelley Grover knows that brand (and specifically brand governance) isn’t a high priority for many people.

“Most folks say, ‘I don’t have time for brand. I have to meet this goal, I have to meet with this client, I don’t have time to be worrying about that,’” she said.

As Senior Global Brand Manager at Deloitte, Grover takes a different view. “We are all brand ambassadors,” she said. “It is all our jobs to be representatives of the brand.”

Grover worries about brand, so that her colleagues don’t have to. Brand is always top of mind for her – never more so than in 2016, when Deloitte launched its brand identity refresh. The previous rebrand took place in 2003, pre-iPad and smartphone. It was built for print, and its age was showing.

“If a brand identity system does not accommodate for how practitioners do business, people aren’t going to use it,” said Grover. “And that’s going to cause the brand to become diluted, and not as consistent as we need it to be.”

“We are all brand ambassadors. It is all our jobs to be representatives of the brand.”

Kelley Grover
Senior Global Brand Manager, Deloitte

In its latest rebranding efforts, the multinational professional services firm aimed to establish a single brand architecture and brand identity system that consistently conveyed to clients the Deloitte experience regardless of geographic location, business unit or device. Deloitte associates needed a brand that was as flexible and dynamic as their business practices.

Deloitte Brand Guidelines

From brand identity health check to brand identity launch, the journey to a new brand took more than two years. Grover and the Global Brand team engaged with hundreds of people across Deloitte throughout the rebranding process, asking about where the brand was today, where the brand needed to go, and what shifts were anticipated in business and technology. Each time the team made a decision, they asked themselves, ‘Is this what an undisputed leader would do?’

“It’s not about using a logo that’s white instead of blue,” said Grover of Deloitte’s new brand identity. “It’s about getting to the root of what our new personality characteristics are, and matching that with what the undisputed leader would do, to have some consistency and clarity in our visual identity.”

Deloitte Brand Guidelines

Kelley Grover, Senior Global Brand Manager, Deloitte

Creating a new brand identity is no mean feat, but communicating it to 240,000 associates is arguably an even bigger challenge – it’s certainly a more sustained one. To that end, Deloitte needed to not only evolve its brand but also its brand center, which meant investing in a platform that was dynamic and representative of an undisputed leader.

Brand Space has been Deloitte’s brand center for more than 15 years, but it’s a radically different entity now than it was prior to the brand refresh. Previously, it was little more than a centralized digital asset management repository. It was chockablock with static guidelines and PDFs galore.

Today, built on Monigle’s BEAM (Brand Engagement and Asset Management) platform, Brand Space is where Deloitte’s new brand identity comes to life. “Brand Space was the epicenter for this brand identity launch,” said Grover.

The platform teems with living, breathing content, like the best practices showcase gallery that’s updated on a daily basis. There’s a training section featuring digestible video modules covering a range of topics from brand voice, to delivering on the Deloitte brand experience captured from live sessions delivered by Kelley and Brian Resnick, Director Global Brand. Much of the content is aimed to make it easy for the people delivering the Deloitte brand– its global army of 200,000 plus associates. There, Consultants go to find the things they need with speed such as templates (more than 400 in all, across applications including a PowerPoint “Timesaver” featuring almost every slide template imaginable, and images (more than 2,500 and growing) filterable by industry or theme. Something they won’t find? PDF documents. In order to ensure the site remains a living, breathing expression of brands, all content is laid out in-page in an engaging way that makes it easy to update.

Brand Guidelines Definition

Aware that a revamped BrandSpace represented a huge change management process for Deloitte, the Global Brand team didn’t spring it on associates overnight.

“We provided support through the local member firm brand teams, and provided a three-month period for all of our global users to be able to transition,” said Grover. “And prior to that, we had a soft-launch period where all brand and marketing professionals around the globe were able to leverage all the materials and kick-start those processes. It was a six-month process of soft launch followed by global launch.”

Cognizant that all too often brand centers are built with only designers in mind, Grover and the Global Brand team conducted extensive user testing with Monigle so that Brand Space would be usable for everyone. The platform is device agnostic, so it features a consistent user experience whether associates are accessing the platform via desktop, mobile or tablet. Additionally, the team has organized ongoing global engagement initiatives, like photo contests, to ensure that associates continue to use the platform to its best advantage. And these efforts are paying off: Brand Space receives about 100,000 unique visitors per month, up from the 60,000 it received prior to the rebrand.

The Global Brand team has not only created a brand that’s in alignment with Deloitte’s go-to-market strategy and business practices, but also one that, thanks to Brand Space, is easier to use and engage with than ever before.

“Our job is to make it almost as if you don’t even know you’re using the brand,” said Grover. “But you are using it, so you’re leveraging the equity and the power of the Deloitte brand.”

Two of your greatest assets are your brand and your people. The success of your brand depends on how well your people can deliver your brand experience. Learn more about how to use BEAM to engage and inspire employees by viewing the on-demand version of our recent webinar How Brand Centers are Empowering a New Breed of Concierge, featuring Kelley Grover from Deloitte and Dipanjan Chatterjee, Vice President & Principal Analyst at Forrester.

Webinar Replay

Deloitte Brand Guidelines Examples

A New Breed of Brand Concierge

In a recent webinar, guest speakers from Deloitte and Forrester discussed brand management best practices and the latest digital tools that enable you to successfully manage brand.

Case Study

Deloitte Brand Guidelines 2018

Synchrony Financial

Deloitte Brand Guidelines 2019

As a spinoff from GE Capital, find out how Synchrony Financial replaced 80 years worth of brand equity to rebrand as a standalone company and drove brand engagement using their brand center.